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Recommendations to Windows* 95 Application/Driver Developers for Writing Power Friendly Software


With the introduction of Windows 95, many software developers are switching to this relatively new operating system as the OS of choice for their mainstream development efforts. This fact, coupled with the increase of power managed systems, both portable and desktop varieties, makes it necessary that software developers provide power-friendly software to the consumer marketplace.

This document describes important facts about Windows 95 power management that application and device driver developers should keep in mind to make sure that their products allow Windows 95 to perform efficient power management whenever possible.

Windows 95 Environment

Windows 95 is a multi-threaded system, with preemptive processing. This means that several programs can be running at the "same" time, each taking a slice of CPU time to perform its processing. In addition, each program can have multiple threads running within its process.

Each thread in the system is given a chance to run based on its priority value. High priority threads are given the chance to run first, with lower priority threads are given the chance to run when the other threads are waiting for system actions. Actions may be either a message in the thread's queue, or some object being signaled, such as a semaphore or a mutex.

In systems with Advanced Power Management (APM), Windows 95 makes a CPU idle call to stop the CPU and conserve the power it would use. For this to occur under Windows 95, all the threads in the system must be in a "wait" state. This wait state is entered when a thread is waiting for some action to occur. Actions may be either a message in the thread’s queue, or some object being signaled, such as a semaphore or a mutex. When one of these actions occurs, and the thread is given the opportunity to run, then the thread will continue to execute not allowing the power management activity to continue.

The thread tells the Windows 95 OS what type of action it is waiting or by calling special APIs. For example, if the thread wants to wait for a message in its queue, it could call GetMessage. If the thread wants to wait for a semaphore to become signaled, it could call WaitForSingleObject.Additionally, if the thread wants to wait for a message or a semaphore, it could call MsgWaitForMultipleObjects. By selecting the proper API with the proper arguments, the application tells the OS to pause the execution of the current thread and wait for the occurrence of a specific signaling event before proceeding.

It is also possible for a thread to actively test whether a certain action has occurred, and then continue processing. An example of this is PeekMessage, which checks to see whether a message is in the thread's queue then returns immediately. Another example is WaitForSingleObject with the time-out period given as 0. These situations causes the thread not to enter a "wait" state and thus preventing Windows 95 from performing any power management functions during the API call.

Single-Threaded Applications

Single-threaded applications can be power-unfriendly if written without accounting for the Windows 95 behavior mentioned above. With simple single-threaded applications that use the following familiar GetMessage loop:

while (GetMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0) == TRUE){
there is usually no problem, because the application enters the "wait" state each time that it calls GetMessage and only continues processing when GetMessage returns with a message.

However, consider the following loop:

done = FALSE;
do { 
   if (PeekMessage(&msg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)){
      if (msg.message == WM_QUIT){
         done = TRUE;
      else {
   else if (background_processing_required) {
      /* do some chunk of extra processing here */
} while (!done);

Here it is very clear that the author intends to do some sort of processing while there were no messages available in the program's queue. This works because PeekMessage returns immediately, whether or not a message is actually waiting in the program's message queue. This code works fine, but it will keep the thread continuously active and prevent power management activity (idle calls) in Windows 95.

It is possible that an application may require this type of intrusion on power management activity, but it is doubtful that an application will require this extra processing at all times while the program is active.

Fortunately, there are a couple of methods to maintain this type of functionality when necessary and, when it is not necessary, to let the power management activity continue normally.

Below is the same loop but with additional code, including a call to WaitMessage:

done = FALSE;
do {
   if (PeekMessage(&msg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
      if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) {
         done = TRUE;
      else {
   else if (background_processing_required) {
   /* do some chunk of extra processing here */
      if (done_with_extra_processing_until_next_message) {
} while (!done);

While background processing is required, the application calls PeekMessage so it can handle both the extra background processing and Windows* messages. When the application determines that the background processing is no longer necessary, it calls WaitMessage, which enters a "wait" state until the program's message queue contains a message. Until a message is received, the application will not block any power management activity. Thus, the application is more power efficient because it still maintains its functionality when necessary, but allows power management to continue when it is through with its "background" processing.

There is another possibility that an application may be required to address. What if the application wants to perform this type of processing occasionally, say to check a status variable? In this case, calling WaitMessage would be inappropriate, because perhaps no message would be sent until the user moves the mouse or presses a key. This would not allow the program to periodically check the status variable. There are a few solutions to this, the first is to set a timer at some interval so that the program receives a WM_TIMER message at various intervals. This causes WaitMessage to return, the PeekMessage would then retrieve the WM_TIMER message and the program would pass it on to the proper handler. Another way of performing background processing is demonstrated in the following code:

done = FALSE;
do {
   if (PeekMessage(&msg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
      if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) {
      done = TRUE;
      else {
   else if (background_processing_required) {
      /* do some chunk of extra processing here */
      if (done_with_extra_processing_until_next_message_or_100ms) {
         MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 0, NULL, FALSE, 100, QS_ALLINPUT );
} while (!done);

As in the previous example, this code will return when the program receives any message in its message queue, due to the QS_ALLINPUT parameter. Unlike the previous example, however, this MsgWaitForMultipleObjects call also times out in 1/10th second (100 milliseconds) and continue processing, even if no message has been received. The MsgWaitForMultipleObjects API allows the caller to provide the timeout period in milliseconds. This lets the program "gain control" periodically to do some kind of processing. It also allows the system to perform power management while waiting for the timeout to occur. However, it is important to note that this does not provide processing at regular timed intervals. This is because the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects call will also return once a message is received, which may be quite frequent at times. It also depends on the priority of the application relative to other applications currently running.

Probably the best method for performing background processing is to spawn a separate thread that performs the desired action. In this case, when the thread finishes its work and terminates, the main thread doesn't have to worry about calling WaitMessage or MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, since the spawned thread handles the background processing itself. This simplifies the main thread's code since the background processing is not under its direct control. For more information on multi-threaded applications see the next section.

Again, it is important to design an application to use the processing power that it needs, but to allow the operating system to manage power when the application does not need full processing power. Test code and real-life examples have shown that savings of several watts can be obtained by using these techniques when the system is not performing any CPU-intensive processing.

Multi-Threaded Applications

Multi-threaded applications can get quite complex and, as such, need lots of care in their design, implementation and testing. Fortunately, with regard to power management efficiency, they are not much more complex than single-threaded applications.

First, it is important to notethat the previous discussion about single-threaded applications and power management is also relevant to multi-threaded applications. Everything that was mentioned in the single-threaded application section applies here. The only real difference is that there are more considerations and possibilities with multi-threaded code. Each thread in the process, must somehow interact with the other threads. Normally, this can be done by posting messages to a thread, or by using objects such as semaphores, events, mutexes and critical sections. Usually these objects are used for synchronizing code, allowing one thread to control when another thread executes.

Like a single-threaded application, a multi-threaded application needs to consider when the entire process (all threads in a multi-threaded application) is in a "wait" state in order for Windows 95 power management activity to occur. For example, if all threads are in a WaitMessage waiting for a message to be posted to its message queue, then power management activity will occur. However, if just one of the threads is executing a PeekMessage loop, no power management activity will be performed.

The APIs available to Windows 95 applications for waiting for objects can have the same characteristics as the GetMessage API, if passed with the correct arguments. Each of these "wait for object" APIs has a parameter designating a timeout in milliseconds. This timeout parameter can be zero, in which case the object is tested and the call returns immediately. If the timeout value is INFINITE, only the object becoming signaled can force the call to return. Other values indicate the call will timeout if the object isn't signaled before a specified time elapses. The list of "wait for object" APIs are:

  • MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
  • WaitForMultipleObjects
  • WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  • WaitForSingleObject
  • WaitForSingleObjectEx

Like GetMessage, all these APIs will allow Windows 95 to idle normally while the API is waiting for an object to become signaled, that is, when the timeout value passed is not zero. If the timeout is zero then the function returns immediately without allowing power management activity. Therefore, use a timeout value of zero only when necessary. Wherever possible try to use an INFINITE timeout value, otherwise, even small values allow the system to idle


Like applications, drivers in Windows 95 must also be written carefully to make sure they don't prevent power management from occurring in the system. There are two types of drivers in Windows 95: ring 3-drivers (.DRVs) and ring-0 drivers (.VxDs). DRVs are a kind of glorified DLLs, so the same rules apply to them as to applications.

VxDs, on the other hand, have a completely different set of APIs available to them. At least a few of these APIs have been proven to prevent the power management mechanism in Windows 95. Among these are the BlockOnIdle and Wait_Semaphore APIs.

Many Windows*-based VxDs use the VMM call pairs _BlockOnID / _SignalID and Wait_Semaphore / Signal_ Semaphore for thread synchronization. Generally, the signaling of a thread occurs soon after it blocks. However in some cases, the time between a thread blocking and its signaling can be very long, sometimes lasting minutes or hours.

While the Wait_Semaphore call does include a Block_Thread_Idle flag that tells the Windows* system to "consider the thread idle when it blocks on the semaphore," the _BlockOnID call does not have such a flag. Therefore, threads that use the _BlockOnID call are considered non-idle when it blocks on the ID.

A VxD should not call _BlockOnID or Wait_Semphore without the Block_Thread_Idle flag set unless there is a compelling reason for not allowing the Windows* system to go idle. Using these calls unnecessarily causes system performance problems. The Windows* scheduler checks to see if there are any outstanding non-idle blocking threads before it allows background driver processing to occur, consuming CPU time and taking time away from other processes.

Many power management methods used on laptop and notebook computers are based on the system going idle when there is no processing to do. A VxD using the _BlockOnID or Wait_Semaphore (with the Block_Thread_Idle flag cleared) calls unwisely will make the system appear busy to power management software, resulting in excessive power consumption and shortening the time that the user can run the system on battery power.

In the future, the Windows* system will make more and more use of idle time to do background processing, which is designed to optimize system performance. VxDs that do not allow the system to go idle will adversely affect the performance of these techniques.

All these problems can be avoided by calling _BlockOnID only when the thread will not need to block for an extended period of time or by using the Wait_Semaphore with the Block_Thread_Idle flag set.

VxDs also have the option of registering for idle notification by calling the Call_When_Idle API, to which they pass a callback address. This allows the VxD to perform processing whenever the system goes into an idle state. When the VxD's idle callback handler is called, the normally returns from the handler with the carry flag set. This tells Windows 95 that it is okay to enter the idle state. However, if the VxD returns from the idle callback handler with the carry flag clear, this forces Windows 95 to stop the idle notification callbacks and to skip any power management activity. Returning with the carry flag clear from an VxD idle callback handler must be done with great care to ensure that power management is performed whenever possible. It would not be acceptable to write a VxD such that it always prevents power management from occurring in the system.


Writing power-friendly applications for Windows 95 is not difficult. It is important to design any application carefully, considering the trade off between performance and power conservation. The things to keep in mind while designing a Windows 95 application are:

  • All threads in the system must be waiting for "messages" and/or "object(s) to be signaled" for Windows 95 perform idle power management . One multitasking-unfriendly program running can ruin any efforts to conserve power in other applications.
  • Applications should make use of the following APIs wherever possible. These routines essentially wait within the Windows 95 kernel and allow idle power management to occur:
    • GetMessage
    • MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
    • WaitForSingleObject
    • WaitForMultipleObjects
    • WaitForSingleObjectEx
    • WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
    • WaitMessage
  • When background processing is required, it is better to spawn a separate thread than have the main thread worry about performing two different tasks. This makes writing power-friendly code much easier.
  • It is highly recommended that the WaitForObject APIs be used to perform synchronization between threads in a process. Wherever possible, use INFINITE for the timeout value to these APIs. If you can't use INFINITE, then try not to use zero; use as large a value as possible.
  • When an application needs processing power it is okay to use it. But if or when an application no longer needs to fully utilize the processor (such as when sitting idle at a dialog box), be sure to use the above APIs to ensure power consumption is reduced.
  • When writing VxDs, use the BlockOnID/SignalID APIs sparingly, because the _BlockOnID call prevents power management from occurring until the paired SignalID call.
  • When writing VxDs that use the Wait_Semaphore/Signal Semaphore APIs, try to use these calls with the Block_Thread_Idle flag set. Otherwise, the blocked thread is considered non-idle and prevents power management from occurring until the semaphore is signaled with a Signal_Semaphore call.
  • When writing VxDs that register with Call_When_Idle, make sure that the idle callback routine sets the carry before returning whenever possible. Otherwise, power management in the system will not be utilized.

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